
End of Month process:

  1. Obtain ClientStats and ensure it is available for the previous month within:

  2. Obtain ManualStats and ensure it is available for the previous month within:

    The process for #1 and #2 is described here:

  3. Once both seed files are finalized and the related models have been updated, the billing stats must be re-published to include the above client & manual stats from the previous month.
    Republish fct_back_office__billing_monthly_managed & fct_back_office__billing_monthly
    ( fct_back_office__billing_monthly_programmatic does not reference any of the client or manual data )


Data structure:

  1. fct_back_office__billing_monthly_programmatic : A collection of all 1st party data from the previous month, with all required levels of Revenue Calculations. The only addition is that Data Revenue calculations are made using the previous month’s data revenue share splits.

  2. fct_back_office__billing_monthly_managed : Special consideration is given for Managed Lineitems and the special considerations made for any overdelivery past the booked revenue figure for that lineitem.

  3. fct_back_office__billing_monthly : A final output which unions managed data with all other data from the programmatic table



  1. ClientStats are provided by external clients (advertisers) and collected (by AndyW) into a single file.
    The billing of Managed Lineitems is focused on the data provided by clients. If Ozone overdelivers a lineitem, the client will not count that revenue and Ozone can not bill the client for it.

  2. Billable vs Delivered : Delivered_* fields are calculated by using Ozone’s own delivery data, while billable_* fields are calculated by:

    1. Take ClientStats which subtracts any overdelivery

    2. Review the ratio of delivery a publisher made for the lineitem in reality, and divide the client-provided stats by the ratio of delivery per publisher

    3. Final ‘billable' revenue fields will attribute the revenue per publisher based on their share, but without any overdelivery accounted for

  3. ManualStats are provided for any Lineitems which are not actually run through Ozone’s own pipelines. For example with “Skins” and related takeovers, adtags are provided to the publisher and they book those tags directly into their own Adserver. None of this data will show up in any Ozone delivery* tables.
    The provided file allows for collecting this lineitem data from each publisher, and providing it in a summary file broken down by publisher, lineitem, and revenue code.

  4. Data Revenue & Distr Revenue calculations
    Publishers within Ozone contribute data to the system which allows for targeting lineitems to Audiences/Segments. These publishers receive a kickback for the amount of traffic they have contributed to that segment for lineitems which delivered revenue against that segment.

    At the end of the month, a summary of publisher shares per segment is made within fct_publisher__monthly_billing_revenue

    This is then used to calculate Data Revenue and Distr Revenue values

  5. CPCv
    For CPCv campaigns, the revenue is already calculated within delivery_detailed to be the Salesforce ‘gross_price’ (minus AMV, Agency Fees, and Barter rates) multiplied by the number of completed views.

    That value is stored in advertiser_delivered_net_revenue within delivery_detailed.
    This impacts any Lineitem where the salesforce ‘metric’ field is set to “CPCv”

    Important note: The other revenue columns (realtime + publisher revenues) are the actual bid prices that come in realtime during delivery, which are set based on CPM. These will not be changed for CPCv and can be referred to in order to see the actual bid prices versus the amount billed to advertisers.

  6. Levels of Revenue, calculations based on Revenue Code:
    All levels of revenue are explained below, with reference taken from:

    The main concept to be aware of is that traffic is being assigned a Revenue Code based on it’s seat_name, deal_id, and publisher.
    Based on that revenue_code, we then know the ozone_fee and data_contribution percent which is used to calculate the levels of publisher revenues.
    For Salesforce lineitems, we know the amv_percent which causes the difference for gross/net campaign prices.



Revenue Columns

Realtime Bid Revenues

ozone_delivered_gross_revenue (and ozone_delivered_gross_revenue_usd)
Gross bid revenue from Ozone Bidstream (Bid received from platform, before bid adjustment)

ozone_delivered_net_revenue (and ozone_delivered_net_revenue_usd)
Net bid revenue after bid adjustment from Ozone Bidstream (Bid sent to publisher adserver)

Baseline Revenues

Campaign price, including AMV
For Managed, this is ozone_delivered_gross_revenue + amv_accrual
For Non-Managed, this is equal to ozone_delivered_gross_revenue

Campaign price, discounting AMV
For Managed, this is equal to ozone_delivered_gross_revenue
For Non-Managed, this is ozone_delivered_gross_revenue - amv_accrual


delivered_gross_revenue * amv_percent  
The calculated amount of AMV Accrual based on delivered_gross_revenue

Advertiser Revenues (estimated from delivery)

Equal to delivered_gross_revenue (Campaign revenue, including AMV)

delivered_gross_revenue / (1 - agency_commission) * agency_commission
The calculated agency commission amount

(delivered_gross_revenue + advertiser_delivered_agency_commission) * barter_percentage
The amount of barter accrued

ozone_delivered_gross_revenue + advertiser_delivered_agency_commission + advertiser_delivered_barter_accrual                         

The calculated Adveritser Gross revenue (Adveritser Net plus Agency Commission plus barter accrual

Publisher Revenues



The publisher gross revenue, which equals delivered_net_revenue (No AMV included)


 delivered_net_revenue  * ozone_fee

The calculated Ozone Fee based on gross bid received.



delivered_net_revenue  * (1 - ozone_fee)                                                     

Publisher gross revenue minus Ozone Fee



(delivered_net_revenue * (1 - ozone_fee)) * data_contribution_percent                         

Calculated Data Accrual based on publisher net revenue



 (delivered_net_revenue * (1 - ozone_fee)) * (1- data_contribution_percent)                    

Publisher net revenue minus data accrual


Calculated monthly:

publisher_delivered_data_accrual * audience_segment_share * data_revenue_share
publisher_delivered_data_accrual * (1 - audience_segment_share)
Contextual & Audience data revenue calculations

publisher_delivered_inventory_revenue + publisher_delivered_data_revenue
Final monthly revenue of a Publisher with AMV, ozone_fees & data accrual removed, and data_revenue added back in.

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